Death Stranding at TGS 2019: Nearly an Hour of New Gameplay Footage

So there’s a reason I’ve avoided covering Death Stranding. Aside from the lack of updates I mean. The renowned Hideo Kojima’s first game since leaving Konami, Death Stranding is looking more like a work of art than a video game. Not that those two things have to be separate, but having an unrestrained Kojima is probably like an unrestrained Kanye. Things are going to get weird.

Details are starting to pour in about the game since last night’s Tokyo Game Show. And along with the hour long presentation above, we finally know what the game is about. The game follows Sam Bridges (played by The Walking Deads Norman Reedus), a delivery man of sorts in a dystopian United States. He travels the country trying to bridge the divisions in this fragmented America by doing nice things. Like delivering paper towels, presumably. Along for the ride is BB, a fetus in an artificial womb that allows him to see BTs, monsters from another dimension. There’s more to it than that, like some of the packages you deliver consist of sperm and eggs. Don’t ask, because I really don’t know.

Because I’m so out of the Death Stranding loop, and because I don’t speak Japanese, here’s a Kotaku article to better describe what’s going on.

As you can see, the game is unapologetically weird, but maybe that’s not a bad thing. Along with some stealth and action gameplay, the footage also shows off Sam’s room. The area where you’ll relax and prepare between missions. The meticulous attention to detail is everything we’ve come to expect from Kojima, but I just hope he didn’t get so wrapped up in the artsy fartsy details that the game turns out to be a mess.

Death Stranding will be released exclusively on the Playstation 4 on November 8, 2019.

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